Some of the most iconic designer bags in the history of fashion have the Dior signature, their lines, patterns and legendary styles being among the most coveted of all time. What we do not know, however, is the incredible story shared by every Dior handbag, because not all of Dior's former creative directors never missed the chance to create true works of art every time they were busy designing a Dior it bag.
Christian Dior History
Of course, the history of Dior handbags is inevitably linked to that of Dior founder Christian Dior, who was particularly visionary in terms of accessories. Born in the north of France in 1905, Christian Dior burst onto the Parisian fashion scene after the Second World War, reviving femininity, joie de vivre and discordance.
Dior's lens was a luxury fashion never seen before, and he was firmly committed to designing clothes and accessories that could not only flatter a woman's figure, but also help her adopt her personality. his unique fashion sense.
Thus, when Christian Dior presented his new opulent look to the modern woman of the 50s, he carefully thought of everything. He even wrote a vademecum entitled "The Little Dictionary of Fashion" in 1954, highlighting some of the fashion rules that women should follow to always be flawless.
"You can wear the same suit from morning to night," he said. "But to be really well dressed, you cannot keep the same bag. For the morning, it must be very simple, and for the evening, it must be smaller and, if you wish, a little more sophisticated.
Christian Dior's vademecum on fashion also included information and rules concerning handbags, which, according to the French designer, had to be made with the highest quality materials and were to be made exclusively by hand, they had to be associated with a day set.
Although Dior now offers all kinds of trendy bags, from the most elegant to the most eclectic, this vision still plays an important role in the style of the couture house, because we can always count on Dior every time we have to find a nice sophisticated handbag that goes basically with everything. It is not for nothing that international celebrities and fashion icons have always loved wearing a Dior handbag and Dior it bags at events on the red carpet or on ultra-formal occasions.
Top 5 best Dior it bags of all time
Since information about designer bags is generally inaccurate on the Internet and it is difficult to find reliable sources specifically for the best Dior bags, we decided to recap the top 10 Dior handbags of all time, going through a journey in fashion, history, and art.
1. Lady Dior
We cannot talk about Dior it bags without mentioning the iconic Lady Dior. Handcrafted in 1994 and originally named "Chouchu" (which means "favorite"), Dior's Lady Dior was quickly renamed in honor of Lady Diana, Princess of Wales, in 1995.
During Lady Diana's visit to Paris, Bernadette Chirac, politician and former wife of President Jacques Chirac, wished to give the Princess of Wales a unique handbag and chose Chouchu de Dior for her incomparable design and elegant structure. Lady Diana immediately fell in love with the handbag and took it everywhere with her in the years to come.
Rarely seen on the secondary luxury markets, Dior's Lady Dior is a real treasure, not to mention the fact that it is an incredible investment, whether you are passionate about fashion or not. Available in four different sizes, from the smallest to the largest, it will always occupy a special place in the Hall of Fame of the fashion industry.
2. Dior The 30 Medium Tote
A timeless and unique work of art, the Tote 30 Medium by Dior is probably one of the most affordable and best-selling accessories of the fashion house (you can find it even at under $ 2,000 on second-hand markets). It is characterized by high quality textured hand-stitched leather, often exotic, and is now often embellished with pretty bag chain accessories.
3. Dior Baby Python Frame
Among all the Dior bags, the Dior Babe is probably the one who embodies the most visions of Christian Dior. With an urban attitude, a neat structure and exotic skin as a frame, Dior's Babe could be difficult to maintain (the python skin is more delicate than the lambskin), but the investment is well worth it if you are looking for a designer handbag that personifies one of the world's most iconic fashion designers of all time.
4. Dior Diorama
Like Lady Dior, the Dior Diorama bag completes the ready-to-wear style of the new (new) Dior woman. It is also available in a multitude of colors, materials and finishes. Structured and cute (in a more approved way, though), Diorama from Dior made its podium debut at Dior's Spring / Summer 2015 show, which means it's relatively new.
As always happens with a Dior article, it has become an instant hit, which many compare to that of Lady Dior. We suppose that only time will tell!
5. Dior Diorissimo Bag
Like the baby, Diorissimo by Dior is an iconic line with a timeless elegance that perfectly embodies all the know-how of Dior. Officially introduced for spring / summer 2012, Diorissimo from Dior quickly became a viral international success, as Dior craftsmen posted a video on Youtube where you could see how a Diorissimo bag was handcrafted.
Completed after many hours of hard work, the Diorissimo from Dior has been seen under the arms of many fashionistas around the world and is already one of the most coveted Dior bags of all second hand stores (virtual or physical).
Is it humanly possible to debut with more than two iconic it handbags in a single parade? Well, according to Maria Grazia Chiuri, the answer is yes! Launched for the spring / summer2019-2020 season, the Dior J'adior bag is reminiscent of Sex and the City's stylish and pop style of Carrie Bradshaw, with its structured silhouette refined by a daring "J'adior" slogan and, in its most emblematic models, crampons of glam rock as decoration.